Friday, November 16, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Max didn't like the way the industrial revolution had the people of Europe living. He didn't accept the idea of capitalism. He showed the workers that they should be getting their very big share, just like the owners were. They had to do the same stupid routine everyday and most of the conditions in the factories weren't that great or safe. He definitely proved his point. Communism sounded like a great idea to the workers. This way they were able to get their own piece of the pie.

Communism is a form of government where property is shared and everyone has common property. That way everyone can be equal and no one will be devastated that the work they put in never paid off. Of course, this doesn't work for the people that actually do more work then others but they had to deal with it.

Marx wanted communism to take over the world so that everyone would be equal. He believed that capitalism would cause destruction. People that worked really hard would one day want to be on top. He thought that a bloody revolution would start if the workers didn't get what they wanted. So either way they could go the communist way or just revolt. He thought the communist way would be better.

For Marx, the "bad guys" were the owners of the factories and land. The "good guys" were the workers, or the proletariats. He believed that the "bad guys" were the owners since they believed in capitalism. They of course believed in it since capitalism was on their side. The "good guys" were the workers. Since they agreed with his ideas. Plus his ideas would work in their favor.

Communism was a form of government for many nations after Marx. His ideas of fairness was a bright one to many people. It does make a lot sense, but it truly only makes a lot of sense when you're the one that is on the bottom of the social class. It would be pretty weird to find someone who likes to work harder then others and still get the same amount as the laziest person in his community. Don't you agree?

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